Political Parties

The Beliefs and Aims of the different political parties


The Labor Party, lead by the progressive Anthony Albanese, has beliefs and aims that include:

-Representing the working people

-Making Australia self sustaining, which means manufactoring items in Australia allowing us to import less

-Providing better working condidtions and improving wages

-Supporting parents and families in need by making childcare more affordable and extending paid parental leave

-Lowering the cost of rent through policies like rent control

-Adressing the houseing crisis and making houses more affordable

-Providing universal and imporved healthcare to everyone

-Taking action on climate change to protect the environment and to preserve it for future years

-Assisting people with the cost of living crisis


The Liberal Party, lead by the conservative Peter Dutton, has the beliefs and aims that include:

-Equality (giving everbody an equal chance)

-The significance of voluntary effort and nonprofit organizations.

-The freedoms of choice, speech, assosiation, worship and thought

-That small buisnesses should not be held back by things like taxes

-That everyone should be given the best standard of living in areas such education and health

-Reducing taxes and lowering the cost individuals and businesses have to pay the government

-Creating long-term security to protect all civilians

-That people have the right to be independant

-Dignity for people who can't provide for themselves

-Democracy, and that its the best system for people to be and feel sucsessful


The Greens, lead by the progressive Adam Bandt, has beliefs and aims that include:

-Grassroots democracy by empowering local communties to make decisions

-Social justice and equality so everyone gets a fair chance and equal rights

-Peace/ Non Violence, by promoting harmony and mutual respect among individuals and communities

-To ensure that billionaires and major corporations contribute their appropriate portion of taxes

-Lower the expenses of daily life

-Ecological sustanablitity by not over-using nateral ressources

-Equaity (giving everybody and equal chance)

-Free dental care

-Taking action on climate change

-Ensuring that everyone has a sufficient income to sustain their living